1년 정도 기간을 잡고 공부할 예정
27개 강의, 13개 실습, 총 41강
- 1. Overview
- 2. Bits, Bytes and Ints: Part 1
- 3. Bits, Bytes and Ints: Part 2
- 4. Floating Point
- Data Lab
- 5. Machine Prog: Basics
- 6. Machine Prog: Control
- Bomb Lab
- 7. Machine Prog: Procedures
- 8. Machine Prog: Data
- Attack Lab and Stacks
- 9. Machine Prog: Advanced
- 10. Code Optimization
- C Review
- 11. The Machine Hierachy
- 12. Cache Memories
- Cache Lab and Blocking
- 13. Linking
- 14. ECF: Exceptions & Processes
- Exam Review
- 15. ECF: Signals
- 16. System Level I/O
- Shell Lab, Processes, and Signals, and I/O
- 17. Virtual Memory: Concepts
- 18. Virtual Memory: Systems
- Virtual Memory
- 19. Storage Allocation: Basic
- 20. Storage Allocation: Advanced
- Malloc Lab
- 21. Network Programming: Part 1
- 22. Network Programming: Part 2
- Debugging Malloc Lab
- 23. Concurrent Programming
- 24. Synchronization: Basic
- Proxy Lab
- 25. Synchronization: Advanced
- Synchronization
- 26. Thread-Level Parallelism
- 27. The Future of Computing
- Exam Review